
Aravindh POV:

I paced outside the operation theatre impatiently with my mom and dad. Inside, my wife was giving birth to our baby, her screams of pain echoing through the corridor. I walked back and forth with tension, but then I heard a baby crying, and my heart felt peace. The nurse came out, saying, "Congratulations Mr. Mishra, it is a baby girl."

Tears welled up in my eyes as the nurse handed me the small baby cocooned in a towel. It is a moment I had dreamed of, every struggle and sacrifice was suddenly worth it. Her arrival brought a wave of emotions I never knew existed. She became my everything, my reason for being.

My parents were over the moon seeing my little princess. After some time, I took her inside when the nurse said her mother woke up. When I showed her our baby princess, she looked away, and I sighed.

It's always been like this between us, always fighting over everything. My parents had forced me into this arranged marriage. She married me because I was a topper in my college, expecting me to become a billionaire. But my business ideas failed, and I ended up in a small company, earning a decent salary.

It was never enough for her. Even when she found out she was pregnant, she wanted to abort the child, fearing it would affect her body. Me, my parents and her parents pleaded not to abort.

She said, "It is a girl, with your monthly income, I am definitely sure that we can't raise her well." I didn't want my princess to wake up as she curled up in my arms, sleeping peacefully catching my little finger tightly.

I gave her to my mother and said, "Take care of her for some time, Maa," and went back to my wife. I asked, "So what do you want me to do?"

She replied, "Just leave her in any orphanage." I couldn't believe what she just said. I whispered, "How could you...? She is our daughter, Meera, how can you say that?"

She scoffed, saying, "She is your daughter, not mine so I am off. Raise her on your own and struggle yourself for money. I am divorcing you and marrying another rich man."

Disgust is what I felt. How could a mother say that to her own child? If I agreed now, I would be the one separating the mother and daughter.

I wanted to say no, but before I could, my mom came running inside, shouting, "Aravindh, the baby is not breathing properly!" I shouted WHAT in shock, taking her and rushing to the doctor.

After some time, I stood outside a glass door, seeing my princess in the incubator. My heart ached with pain. The doctor said she was born weak because her mother didn't have proper nutrition during pregnancy.

That was it. I went out and shouted at her, "I am divorcing you. I will send the documents to your home. Also, I have one condition: never ever come near my daughter."

She scoffed, saying, "As if I want to see you're both pathetic faces." With that, she discharged and went on her own way as I stood outside the baby room, crying.

After a few days, I was working on my new business idea after feeding my princess milk. Oh, I forgot to mention my princess's name.

She is Aarohi-Aarohi Mishra.

I was patting her with one hand and working on my laptop with the other when suddenly I felt her breathing becoming abnormal.

"Fucking shit, this is happening again," I muttered. I had been spending a lot of money on her tablets every month, and doc said she would be alright very soon, as responding well to the medicine. But now, I sensed something was wrong.

I picked her up, cooing to her, and searched for her tablets only to find them empty. I threw them away and went to pick up my wallet, but it was empty too. Since it was the end of the month, I had nothing left with me. I leaned against the wall, holding my princess in my arms tightly, feeling her breath lessen bit by bit.

I hugged her close to my heart and cried until my throat felt sore and my chest ached. Maybe it was my crying that made the gods pity my situation, because my princess started breathing well again.

I mentally sighed, realizing that this situation couldn't continue. I needed to do something big for my daughter. I couldn't let her suffer with anything. I should be able to give her everything she wants, I thought.


"Baba, catch me if you can!" she giggled in her baby voice, darting through our big garden. I laughed and ran behind her, calling out, "Princess, I'm going to catch you!"

It had been four years since she was born, and finally, I made my dream come true. For the past four years, I worked tirelessly day and night to make my company reach the position where now, when people say Mishra Group of Industries, they mention it as one of the top 5 companies in the electronic gadgets field.

I developed a software for which industries from all around the world sent me chips and other accessories, and we integrated them into one product, which became a huge hit because my software was unique. Now, I am one of the billionaires in India, I'm able to give my princess anything she wishes for.

These four years were tough for both me and her. She mostly spent time with her grandparents because I had work to do. She hated being apart from me, but she never complained.

From now on, she wouldn't need to complain because I would always be there for her. Our home had become quite big for just the two of us, but we never felt lonely because we had each other, and we always will.

You might be wondering where my parents will live. Well, my father doesn't want to live off his son's money, so they stay nearby our home itself.

After playing for some time, she grew tired and fell asleep. Parth, my business partner and best friend, came home to hang out and discuss something about work. He asked, "When are you going to enroll Aaru in school?"

"I am searching for the best schools, Parth," I replied, and he smiled, shaking his head. We discussed new projects for a while until we heard a baby voice calling, "Chachuuuu!"

My princess ran to Parth, and he lifted her up, spinning her around. I smiled happily, knowing that at least she had some people around her who loved her, unlike her mother. Parth asked, "How is my little Aaru doing?"

"I guidd, chachu," she replied, beaming. He asked, "So, are you ready to go to school?"

She smiled, shouting, "Yay! I wannie go to scoohl! I will be happie." Both Parth and Aaru looked at me, so I had no choice but to nod.

On the first day of school, she happily went inside, waving bye at me. I looked around to see other kids crying to go inside, but my princess smiled happily, waving. I was proud of her, but tears filled my eyes as I saw how quickly she was growing up.

Years passed by quickly, and before I knew it, she was already 18. In these eighteen years, not only did she grow up, but I grew up with her as well. The way she evolved into the woman she is today, I couldn't be more proud of my little princess.

One day, she came to me and said, "Baba, I wanna study in a hostel for engineering with Myra."

Myra is her best friend since kindergarten, almost like my own daughter. That's not the problem. Now, my princess said she'll be away from me for four years. Four fucking years.

I asked, "Princess, do you really want to stay away from your baba?"

She sighed and sat beside me, side hugging me, saying, "No, Baba, I hate to be away from you. But trust me, I know what I'm doing. Besides, the college is just one hour's drive from home. I'll come home every time I miss you, and you can visit me whenever you want."

When she decides on something, I can never change her mind. That's how she grew up. But she's never been a spoiled brat. She's always been a smart kid, always getting whatever she wants, but only the things she really needs. Sometimes, I'm proud of myself for raising her. She's so mature for her age.

She never really asked me about her mother. She did ask when she was 12 or 13 years old, but I said I don't wanna talk about that. And from then on, she didn't ask me anything about it. I didn't want to tell her that her mother abandoned her just because her father was not rich. I still feel guilty that she left because of me.

I wanted my princess to have the world if she wants, and I'll do anything to give her that. And now that she wants to study in a hostel, she will, no matter if I'm sad about it. So, I agreed, and she said, "I love you, Baba." I kissed her forehead, saying, "I love you more, my princess."

Another five years passed, and now she's all ready to take over the Mishra Group of Industries. She has grown into a smart, intelligent, mainly devilish woman. In these five years, she learned many things, mainly how to survive in life. At first, I doubted her decision to study in a hostel, but no, she learned many things there.

I'm now standing in front of thousands of employees and board members of my company, with Parth also sitting there with his family.

I smiled proudly, announcing, "The next CEO for this company, which I proudly announce, Aarohi Mishra." The entire place echoed with claps and cheers for her as she walked in with all the limelight on her. She's always the head-turner wherever she goes. Well, she got it from me though>Hehe.

She hugged me before addressing the crowd. When she stood at the podium, every employee cheered so loud for her because she worked alongside them for one year, getting to know everything happening in the company.

She worked in every department and got to know everyone. I stood there with a proud smile on my face and an adoring look in my eyes, which welled up. From the day she waved at me happily going to her school for the first day to now waving at the crowd happily, my little princess grew up.

She said, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Today marks a new chapter in our company's journey, and I am honored to stand before you as the new CEO. My father's legacy has been one of integrity, innovation, and excellence, and I am committed to upholding these values as we move forward. Together, we will continue to strive for greatness, embrace change, and lead with purpose. Thank you for your trust and support. Let's write the next chapter of success together."

After that, everyone clinked glasses, and I took her to meet the board members and many people in that industry. Everyone was so impressed with her.

When we went back home, she said, "Baba, always know that you are my first hero and first love. Thank you for everything you have done. Now, it is my turn to take care of you, so you rest well."

I hugged her, crying like a baby. No matter how much she grows up, she still is my little baby, my little princess.

After one year, she is now 24, and within this one year, she took our company from top 5 to top 2. I know she has earned a nickname, 'Devil'

Everyone tells me that she is ruthless when it comes to business. But I am worried about what Mr.Rathore will try to do now. The Rathore Industries has always been top 2, but now that our company surpassed them, I am scared because I know they are bad when it comes to company politics. It is either deal or kill for them.

Parth said, "It's fine, Aravind. She is very much capable of dealing with this." I nodded. Parth is still working with the princess, for which I am so relieved.

While we were discussing this, she came inside eagerly and shouted, "Baba!" I smiled, asking "What made my princess so happy?"

She said, "I think I am in love, Baba."

Oh fuck, I didn't really expect this.

"Who?" I asked. She shrugged, saying, "A man workiu in the cafe."

A man working in the cafe? As her father, I always wanted the best for her, but then again, I will never doubt her decisions because she is really smart at reading people.

She shouted again, "I still don't know his name, but I will update you again when I get to know something," and she ran to her room.

"Oh no, poor man," Parth said, sighing. I threw a pillow at him, asking, "Will she be okay?"

He said, "Oh, don't you worry about her. Worry about that poor man because if she sets her eyes on something, she will make sure that she has it, whether it is a deal, a thing, or a person as well."


Hope you will enjoy reading this book, as much as I do while writing.

Stay tuned as this book is going to be one more rollercoaster of LOVE.

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